Thursday, November 24, 2011

Adult RAD?

I recently saw someone I've not seen ... since we were anticipating the arrival of our "sibling group" adoptees.  I gave her the shortest synopsis of time transpired...

She encouraged me... "Don't worry it can happen when kids are your bio-kids too." 

And she went on to tell me her kids haven't spoken to her in years.

I replied, yes, I realize people can have broken relationships for a variety of reasons... but, I explained... our daughter was diagnosed at age 6 with a disorder that outlines ALL of her behavior against us... I've been amazed to find out how common this condition can be in adopted individuals. 

She asked me if I was aware she was adopted... 
No, I wasn't.
Deep breath...
Lord, I REALLY don't want to offend this woman!!!!
I back pedaled on all adoption issue conversations.

She filled me in on what's new in her life.
Estranged from adult children.
Estranged from adoptive parents since before her kids were born.
Estranged from siblings, (one adopted, one adoptive parents bio.)
Pretty much alone.


I don't know if she's got RAD or not...
... I do know my prayers for her are the same as they are for my adopted children.

Peace, healing, and restoration.

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