Sunday, October 23, 2011

Adoption... Always Best?

I am VERY pro-adoption... but I can't help but doubt that adoption is always the BEST choice. 

For our kids...
I believe for their time,
and season,
and circumstances...
adoption WAS best.
I believe "our" kids
were "meant to be"
part of our family...

BUT I don't believe
was the
for them. 

I realize I'm tip-toeing-barefoot into the fairy filled hills of make-believe... but I believe THE ABSOLUTE best-case-scenario for every child is to be raised by BOTH their biological parents in the setting where the child's biological parents are healthy and happy and head-over-heels in love with each other... and each of their children. 

I know "stuff happens" 
and life ain't make-believe 
                                      and far-too-many-times      
kids are stuck 
in situations
paying the dearly 
the consequences 
for situations 
they did not have
a single choice 

When we were FINALLY settling into the "beautiful years" I had an obnoxious churchified crankster tell me all about this book she was reading about allowing God to plan your family and how adoption IS a Biblical concept... BUT... adoption SHOULD NEVER take place when the biological parents are still living.

I wanted to punch her. 

Years later...
Our "officially diagnosed RAD" that appeared "healed halleluiah!!!" for oh so many years went on a mission trip to a "third world" country.  She seemed healthy when she went... She seemed healthy when she returned.  RAD appeared to remain dormant before-during-and-after her out-of-the-country missions trip.

The "missions team" came back with tales of this "backward" nation and all it's woes...
mostly "they eat beans for breakfast!!!"  "they can't flush toilet paper" added to all the lack-of-technology woes... (But apparently the "team" realized the third-world-nation manufactures their coca-cola with cane sugar... so that third-world-nation had ONE positive thing going for it!)

One of the sad facts on the missions team "tsk tsk tsk" list was that mothers of young children who were in jail actually had their children in jail with them. 

"Can you believe it?  Shame shame shame!  Those poor children, raised in jail!  Thank God we're so advanced here...for the sake of the children!"
Something pricked my heart as the churchified cranksters were busy patting themselves on their own backs for being so intelligent to have been born in our advanced society. 

My heart was pricked during the Beautiful Years... when our RAD appeared to be attached and loving, when things in our family were so very beautiful.  RAD at this point didn't appear to be an issue at all... ALL our kids appeared healthy and happy and well adjusted in our family... STILL my heart was pricked.

When it came to keeping babies with their mothers... 
I thought the third-world-nation got it right. 

I wonder...  Knowing how VITAL the primary biological  parent-child ties are to a child's development... witnessing firsthand the damages of Reactive Attachment Disorder in our adopted children's life... I can't help but wonder...
Does our modern, 
technologically advanced society 
"help" children 
when they remove children 
from their biological family? 
During hardship, 
or famine 
or worse? 

Like I said... I believe our kids belonged home with us!
At that time, and in those circumstances, our family was our children's best chance for a healthy life.

Our family was never the "ultimate best" but we were absolutely the "best remaining" choice for our children. 

I can't help but wonder if we can do better for the kids that are out there...
for the kids who haven't been born yet. 


Anonymous said...

I believe that God Himself puts kids into the families that are most appropriate. I believe that my husband and I are the best people on Earth to raise our sons, since their biological parents were "unavailable".

Having said that, the act of adoption isn't what is best for every kid. It's permanency that's important. It's commitment that matters.

Just my .02

Hedged in Beauty said...

Thanks Lynne, I believe our kids were sent to us by God as well. I don't believe the pain and suffering we all have encountered as a result of the traumas they experienced long before they ever knew us was from God.

God's gift of free will to the human race has a tremendous price tag.

I'm grateful nothing is wasted in God's economy... That all God's promises are true... and that God gives beauty for ashes!!!!