Saturday, March 31, 2012

Adoption "Thank You"

I'm in a location where access is limited. I don't know if I've blogged on this topic already or not. It has been brewing a long time

When dear hubby and I went for pre-adoption training, the instructor explained the varety of tragic circumstances that preceed voluntary and involuntary TPR (termination of parental rights) then asked "do you expect a child who has lost everyone important to them to thank you for adopting them?"

In that class my heart broke for all the innocent hurting children in the world. I did not expect a hurting innocent child to say "thank you" for us welcoming them into our hearts and home.

Fast forward 18 years. This month it is 18 years since our family of three overnight became a family of six. It has been eighteen years where three of the six have given the very best of everything we have to offer, most valuable of all; our hearts. (So verysadly, the oldest of the newest three was only with us three months before she ended up being placed for adoption by her-not-their bio dad. She was murdered 5 years later when at 18 she visited her-and-our adopteds' bio-mom.)

I realize that the age appropriate season of detachment as young adults has reawakened so many of our adoptees' abandonment issues. Issues that sadly has scarred them it seems for the duration of this side of eternity they will bear those painful scars regardless of the many years where it truly appeared our newest children walked in mental health.

I keep finding myself expecing if not the words "Thank you", at least a resemlance of an attitude of gratitude.

Surely by now they must realize WE are not the source of their deep wounds. Their illness certainly causes damage to the "cause and effect reasoning" part of their brain. But the cause and effect reasoning part of their brains are not COMPLETELY BROKEN!!!

We've equipped them to deal with the HUGE feelings associated with the HUGE TRAUMAS they experienced befoe we ever met them.

We've taught them how to accept responsibility when their actions have hurt others.

We've taught them how to say and mean "I'm sorry."

We've taught them how to say "Thank you!"

We three who have provided only health, hears healing and love have been the targets of the two that remain's illness inspired lies and manipulations.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Parenting RAD From a Distance

 Love, laughter and fun abounds in my life, and I am so very grateful. 

I always feel like "this is not the place to share that kind of stuff... I'm here to talk about my experience and hope in parenting RAD adoptees." 

Please don't misunderstand...
As a parent with estranged RAD adult adoptees I DO have my share of heartache.  

HOWEVER... I also have tremendous joy!!!

For some reason, as an empty nester, married to the love of my life, having raised  a healthy-capable-of-reciprocating-parental-love-biologically-originated-from-us-adult-child who brings us joy on so many levels, my blogging life for almost three years has pretty much denied her existence. 

My blog reading and blog writing (much of my cyber-life as a matter of fact... since RADs attacked) has primarily revolved around trying to understand our adult RADs who, after appearing healthy for so many years, together experienced such major regressions in the process of embarking into their adult lives and have not yet become healthy enough to enjoy our company. 

I hurt for our adoptees.                               

I hurt from our adoptees.

But the reality is love and joy abound daily in my life on so many  other levels. 

The reality is love also abounds from my husband, our oldest daughter, and myself to our adult adoptees... they are not healthy enough to receive it.  


I've longed and needed a place where I can share the fullness of my joys without restraint.  I don't want to feel badly for reveling in the love, enjoyment and successes I DO enjoy from day-to-day. 

I've created that space where I can let the Beauty that surrounds my life abound without restraint.

You're welcome to join me any time you'd like!

I'll still post here from time to time... (as I intended to post what worked for us, what didn't etc... and updates if/when they come regarding our estranged adoptees.)  ... as a matter of fact... got one brewing. 

Meanwhile... if you stumble here... pray for us... pray for our family. 
Hubby and I pray regularly for those in the trenches of parenting Reactive Attachment Disordered adoptees and the children who have experienced early traumas not one of us would care to imagine. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Orlando 2012


They "get it" in Orlando. 

Not year-round... for a limited time only. 

So very grateful to have been there!