Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Love Blocked, Healing the Adopted Heart

Patty Stanger's show the "Millionaire Matchmaker" is one of my not-so-secret-anymore television indulgences. 

I don't tune in regularly... but occasionally, when Bravo is running a string of her episodes back to back on a day I've chosen to spend too much time hugging the couch, I really enjoy tuning in. 

I'm a huge fan of love.  I love to pray for people to find "the one" and I love weddings! 

I fell in love with my high school sweetheart... married my prom date... this year my sweetie and I celebrate 30 years of wedded bliss that had it's first sparks oh-so many years ago in a 1980's roller disco.  Spandex, big hair, and the love of my life.   

It turns out Patty is adopted.  I've been impressed with how seemingly well adjusted she is, how successful she is in business.  I'm impressed, but not surprised.  As I've been trying to understand our adult-adoptees' choices, I've read LOTS about adopted adults.  I've read that many adoptees go on to do very well in their business lives, and tend to be kind of loners with a long string of short or shallow relationships in their personal lives.   

On Patty's show, as she's searched for information about her birth parents, she talks about feeling "blocked" from love, and she believes it has something to do with being adopted.  She's taken bold and public steps to heal that blockage.  So very good for you Patty!!!!!!

I'm guessing Patty probably doesn't have Reactive Attachment Disorder, however, I'm not surprised to hear that "adoption issues" still plague her as an adult. 

The same things I pray for our own adoptees, I'm praying for Patty.  I pray her wounded heart heals... I pray she can find Love, I believe Love has presented Itself to her many times throughout her life... I pray she will heal to the point where she can believe there really is Love out there for herself... I pray she will work to heal the wounds that lie and tell her she is unworthy of Love. 

I'm grateful for Patty, and other brave adoptees who share what their perception of life is like for them on the adult side of their life's journey as an adopted child... 

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